How do I cancel my trip on

Can I cancel my trip on Expedia?

As you think of planning a trip, the main concern you get is that you should not face any difficulties or will not leave behind the fun and excitement of a journey in making arrangements for it. In such cases, the best you can do is to ask Expedia to plan your trip, as it has all the facilities that will be needed. But what if you have to cancel your flight that Expedia has booked? Then you should know Expedia's Cancellation policy so that you should be aware of the guidelines, terms, and conditions of Expedia. If you are aware of their cancellation policy, it will become easy for you to cancel your flight, and you will know what situations Expedia will return your money.

What is Expedia Cancellation Policy?

  • Expedia has a 24-hours cancellation window. Those who cancel or change their flights within this time frame will be safe from all the penalties and charges.
  • If you have canceled your flight within 24 hours of booking. Expedia will return your money.
  • If you have purchased a refundable trip, you can get a full refund after canceling your flight ticket before the departure.
  • Only certain flights are supposed to be refunded. So read all the rules and restrictions before purchasing a flight.

Does Expedia still have a 24-hour cancellation policy?

Yes, Expedia has a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel your tickets within 24 hours of booking, they will be able to do everything for you, but after this time frame, things will go out of hand, and Expedia will not be able to help you. So make sure that if you book your flight ticket through Expedia and then decide to cancel it, make it happen within 24 hours of booking.

How do I cancel my trip on Expedia?

Through Phone Call: As you will have less time to get your refund, you must cancel your ticket as soon as possible. However, there is no other method quickest than a phone call:

  • You have to dial +91 (0)124-487-3888, the phone number provided by Expedia, for change and cancellation.

  • Follow IVR, and select the first key to make changes to your flight.

  • To make changes to the package, press two.

  • For hotel booking changes, select three.

  • To cancel the booking, choose four.

How much does cost Expedia cancellation?

Expedia does not charge any Expedia cancellation fee if you cancel your flight ticket, or hotel booking or make changes to them. But hotels can, and that depends on the hotel, and your booking, as many hotels do not allow changes or cancellations for free.

How Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund?

According to Expedia 24 hour cancellation policy, if you want a full refund after canceling your trip from Expedia, you should do it within 24 hours of purchasing it. Otherwise, Expedia will not refund your full money as the airline does not allow any refund if you have crossed the 24-hour cancellation window. The cancellation process is given below:

Through Online: It is simple, and you can cancel your fight by following some simple steps:

  • Visit the official website of Expedia.

  • Log in to your flight and go to the Menu.

  • Select the cancellation and follow the further instructions.

  • And your flight will be canceled.

The given information will help you get in touch with Expedia. It will provide all the necessary details to Expedia cancel your reservation so you can cancel your trip. For further queries, go to the official website of Expedia.

Frequently Asked Questions

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